
Limit Reached For The Number Of Businesses Facebook

On an ever-growing platform like social media, you need to be on the lookout for the latest social media statistics that could help you shape up your existing strategies.

The world of social can undergo drastic changes in just a matter of months or years, which means it's crucial to constantly stay on top of where your audiences are and how to connect with them.

For marketers looking to win more on social, here's a compilation of 100 social media statistics for 2021 that can help identify the best platform and provide better clarity to channel resources such as time, efforts, and money.

  • Social Media Usage Statistics 2021
  • Most Popular Social Networks In 2021
  • Facebook Statistics 2021
  • Instagram Statistics 2021
  • Twitter Statistics 2021
  • YouTube Statistics 2021
  • LinkedIn Statistics 2021
  • Pinterest Statistics 2021
  • Social Media Advertising Statistics 2021
  • Social Media Engagement Statistics 2021
  • Social Media Statistics 2021 For Businesses
  • Social Media Statistics 2021 Summary
  • Social Media Statistics 2021 Infographic

2020 has been a been a truly crazy year so far with so much happening every day on social media. Since most of us are now confined to just our home, social media usage has risen greatly since it has become the only place to connect.

To keep up with the continuously evolving social media space, here are some social media usage statistics to get you up to speed.

  • Active social media users have now passed the 3.8 billion mark which is 9 percent (321 million new users) more than since this time last year
  • An average person has an account on more than 9 different social media networks and spends a daily average of 2 hours and 16 minutes on social media
  • In terms of actual social media usage,91% of social media users are accessing social channels via mobile devices
  • Instagram stories are the rising star of social media. In just two years, Instagram stories increased from 150 million to 500 million daily active viewers
  • Facebook and Instagram have long dominated social media as the most popular platforms. However, in the past few years, several other niche social platforms have not only emerged but have rapidly risen to fame.

    TikTok is one such platform that started just 3 years back and has more than 680 million active monthly users

With 2.74 billion monthly active users as of January 2021, Facebook is the biggest social media network worldwide.

A total of 17 social media platforms now have 250 million or more monthly active users (MAU):

Facebook Statistics 2021

Although Facebook has seen some decline when it comes to usage amonst teen & millennial population, the social platform has still seen an year over year increase of 12%.

If Facebook was a country in 2021, it would be the highest populated.

For marketers looking to get the best out of Facebook in 2021, the focus should be on creating highly engaging content, staying active in related Facebook groups, and using Facebook's targetted advertising to reach potential customers.

There's simply no other platform that offers businesses the kind of reach that Facebook does.

Here are some Facebook statistics to get you upto speed.

Facebook Statistics 2021

  • With more than 2.74 billion monthly active users (MAUs), Facebook is still the king of social media
  • It is the third-most visited website, outranked only by Google and YouTube
  • Facebook app is the second most downloaded app with Facebook messenger coming strong at 7th position
  • Among all countries, India has the most number of Facebook users in the world with 320 million active users
  • Facebook users spend an average of 34 minutes on the platform
  • In a month, an average Facebook user likes 12 posts, makes 4 comments
  • 500 million people use Facebook stories daily
  • There are more than 1.8 billion using tens of millions of Facebook groups
  • Videos on Facebook get the highest rate of engagement, despite only making up 3% of content
  • 90 million small businesses use Facebook, benefitting from Facebook's services like Pages, Groups, and Messenger
  • Facebook remains the most popular social network among U.S marketers, 87.1% of U.S. marketers used Facebook marketing in 2020
  • Facebook accounts for 80.4% of U.S. social referral share to e-commerce sites
  • 18.3% of U.S. social media users made a purchase through Facebook, followed by Instagram at 11.1%
  • Facebook has an advertising audience of 2.14 billion with 47% of Facebook Ad's revenue coming from US & Canada
  • An average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month, Women click on more ads (15 per month) than men do (10)
  • Average organic reach for a Facebook post is 5.5% while the average engagement rate for Facebook posts is 3.6%

Facebook Statistics Demographics

Here are the Facebook statistics demographics for the year 2021.

Facebook Statstics By Age

Facebook has seen a sharp decline when it comes to usage amongst the younger population.

  • 32% of people between ages 12-34 use Facebook
  • 77% of people between ages 34-49 use Facebook
  • 51% of people between ages 50-65 use Facebook
  • 34% of people that are 65+ years old use Facebook

Facebook Statstics By Income

  • 86% of American households with an annual income above $100,000 use Facebook

Facebook Statstics By Devices

  • 98.3% of Facebook users access it via mobile devices

Facebook Statstics By Gender

  • 54% of Facebook users are female
  • 46% of Facebook users are male

Instagram Statistics 2021

Instgaram has turned 10 years old last year, it was officially launched on October 6, 2010.

Being primarily a mobile platform, it is still the 6th most visited website. This is the reason why Instagram is bringing more & more features to its desktop site.

For businesses looking to drive more engagement on the platform, Instagram reels & stories would be the best bet . Also, Instagram posts with carousels can get you more organic engagement than regular posts.

As you plan your Instagram marketing strategy for 2021, keep an eye on these facts to make sure you're working on the latest trends.

Instagram Statistics 2021

  • More than 1.2 billion people use Instagram every month. India tops the list with most users (120 million)
  • Instagram users spent an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform in 2020
  • More than 200 million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily
  • Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter
  • Carousels get more organic interactions than both videos and images on Instagram
  • More than 150 million people use Instagram Direct Messaging each month to communicate with a business
  • 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping posts every month, with 81% of people using the platform to help research product & services
  • 60% of businesses on Instagram use interactive elements in stories to engage with audiences at least once a month
  • Brand stories have an 86% completion rate
  • 58% of Instagram users say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories
  • Instagram represents 10.7% of social referral share to e-commerce sites which is the highest in every social media network except Facebook (80.4%)
  • 11% of U.S. social media users shop on Instagram
  • More than two-third of marketers report that they spent most of their 2020 marketing budget on Instagram

Instagram Statistics Demographics

Here are the Instagram statistics demographics for the year 2021.

Instagram Statistics By Age

  • 67% of people from ages 18-29 use Instagram
  • 47% of people from ages 30-49 use Instagram
  • 23% of people from ages 50-64 use Instagram
  • Only 8% of people that are 65+ years old use Instagram

Instagram Statistics By Income

  • 60% of households with an annual income above $100,000 use Instagram

Instagram Statistics By Gender

  • 51% of Instagram users are female
  • 49% of Instagram users are male

Twitter Statistics 2021

Twitter while originally projected to grow 2.8% in 2020, saw a user base growth of 8.4%.

COVID19 was the most-used hashtag of 2020 (used more than 400 million times), followed by #BlackLives Matter.

Marketing for businesses on Twitter can be particularly complex, given its short life span (3.39 minutes per session) and challenging character limit.

Providing users with prompt engagement and customer service is essential for brands looking to improve their marketing on Twitter. Also, partnering with an influencer can bring in huge benefits.

When launching a social media marketing plan for your brand in 2021, keep in mind these Twitter statistics.

Twitter Statistics 2021

  • More than 1.3 billion Twitter accounts have been created since network's inception in 2006. In 2021, 353 million monthly active users are using Twitter
  • 80% of active Twitter users access Twitter via the mobile app
  • More than 500 million tweets are sent each day
  • Twitter is the third-most popular social media network with marketers, with 59% of marketers actively using the platform
  • Tweets that include images or videos are 394% more likely to be retweeted
  • An average Twitter user follows at least 5 businesses. 60% of the Twitter users expect a brand or a business to reply to their query within an hour
  • According to Twitter's Q3 2020 report, Twitter ad engagement is up 27%
  • Twitter users spend 26% more time with ads than other social media users
  • 40% of users on Twitter claim to have made a purchase directly from an influencer's tweet
  • 85% people who follow businesses say it's important for any business to provide customer service on Twitter
  • 85% of small and medium businesses use Twitter to provide customer service.
  • 80% of users have mentioned a brand in a tweet
  • 77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their tweet is replied to

Twitter Statistics Demographics

Here are the Twitter statistics demographics for the year 2021.

Twitter Statistics By Age

  • 38% of people between ages 18-29 use Twitter
  • 26% of people between ages 30-49 use Twitter
  • 17% of people between ages 50-64 use Twitter
  • Only 7% of people that are 65+ years old use Twitter

Twitter Statistics By Income

  • 41% of households with an annual income more than $75,000 use Twitter

Twitter Statistics By Gender

  • 50% of Twitter users are female
  • 50% of Twitter users are male

YouTube Statistics 2021

With everyone being confined to their homes, 2020 turned out be one heck of a year for YouTube. People turned to the video sharing platform to replace in-person events & activities.

As a marketer or business owner, building a YouTube presence can do wonders for your brand. Check out these latest YouTube stats to get an edge on the competition and set yourself up for success in 2021.

YouTube Statistics 2021

  • YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine only behind Google
  • 82% of Americans report using YouTube, making it the most popular social media platform in the US
  • With 2.2 billion monthly active users, over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos is watched daily
  • The average length of a first-page YouTube video is 14 minutes and 50 seconds
  • The most subscribed YouTube channels belong to T-Series, followed by PewDiePie (YouTube's automatically generated channels not included)
  • Over 90% of users say they have learned about a new brand or product on YouTube
  • 68% of YouTube users have watched a YouTube video to help make a purchase decision
  • According to YouTube's own data, over the last two years, the number of small and medium-sized businesses advertising on YouTube has doubled
  • 79% of marketers think YouTube is the most effective platform for video marketing
  • YouTube influencers are 92% of the driving force behind sponsored YouTube videos
  • YouTube mobile ads are 84% more likely to hold attention than TV ads

YouTube Statistics Demographics

Here are the YouTube statistics demographics for the year 2021.

YouTube Statistics By Age

  • 81% of people wih ages between 15-25 use YouTube
  • 71% of people with ages between 26-35 use YouTube
  • 67% of people with ages between 36-45 use YouTube
  • 66% of people with ages between 46-55 use YouTube
  • 58% of people that are 56+ years old use YouTube

YouTube Statistics By Income

  • More than 89% of households with an annual income above $100,000 use YouTube

YouTube Statistics By Gender

  • More than 50% of YouTube users are female

LinkedIn Statistics 2021

Did you know LinkedIn was launched before major social media platforms even Facebook? The platform officialy turned 18 years old this year. It was launched on May 5, 2003: nine months before Facebook.

Although LinkedIn's user base is a lot less compared to the likes of Instagram & Facebook, it is quickly becoming one of the most rewarding social media networks for businesses. The platform is already capable of generating 3 times more conversions than other social media platforms.

Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn marketing strategy by taking a look at these latest statistics.

LinkedIn Statistics 2021

  • LinkedIn is the most trusted social network in the U.S.
  • More than 100 million job applications are posted on LinkedIn every month
  • 40 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs each week with three people getting hired every minute
  • Posts on LinkedIn that contain images have a 98% better comment rate, and posts with links have a 200% higher engagement rate
  • With 722 million professionals on LinkedIn, 90 million users are senior-level influencers, and 63 million are in decision-making positions
  • 49% of LinkedIn users earn at least $75,000/year
  • 3 million American jobs are posted on LinkedIn every month
  • 605.4 million people can be reached through LinkedIn advertisements
  • According to a Hubspot study, LinkedIn is capable of generating 3 times more conversions than other top social networking platforms
  • 92% of B2B marketers prefer LinkedIn to other social networks
  • LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs
  • 59% of B2B marketers claim LinkedIn to be effective at generating new leads for their brand
  • For 91% of marketing executives, LinkedIn has proven to be the top place to find content

LinkedIn Statistics Demographics

Here are the LinkedIn statistics demographics for the year 2020.

LinkedIn Statistics By Age

  • 21% of people with ages between 18-24 use LinkedIn
  • 60% of people with ages between 25-34 use LinkedIn
  • 17% of people with ages between 35-54 use LinkedIn
  • Only 3% of people that are 55+ years old use LinkedIn

LinkedIn Statistics By Income

  • 60% of households with an annual income above $100,000 use LinkedIn

LinkedIn Statistics By Gender

  • 43% of LinkedIn users are female
  • 57% of LinkedIn users are male

Pinterest Statistics 2021

Social media marketers often overlook the power of Pinterest but, from a purely global standpoint, it is the fastest-growing social platform.

Marketers aiming to generate more revenue from Pinterest can create theme-based content around their product or service.

Pinterest Statistics 2021

  • According to Pinterest, the platform now has over 459 million monthly active users
  • Pinterest ad revenue is projected to surpassed $1 billion in 2021
  • The average time spent on Pinterest is 14.2 minutes
  • 7 out of 10 Pinterest users are females
  • With more than 14 million articles getting pinned each day, there are over 200 billion pins saved on Pinterest
  • 50% of millennials use Pinterest every month with 47% of them purchasing something they interact with on the platform
  • 55 percent of Pinners are looking specifically for products, which is more than 4 times as many as other platforms
  • 82 percent of weekly active users on Pinterest say they have bought products based on their brands' content on the platform, that's 8 out of every 10 Pinterest users
  • 28% of global social media marketers use Pinterest to promote their business
  • 25% of all referral traffic that goes to popular retail websites comes from Pinterest

Pinterest Statistics Demographics

Here are the LinkedIn statistics demographics for the year 2021.

LinkedIn Statistics By Age

  • 34% of people with ages between 18-29 use Pinterest
  • 35% of people with ages between 30-49 use Pinterest
  • 27% of people with ages between 50-65 use Pinterest
  • Only 15% of people that are 65+ years old use Pinterest

LinkedIn Statistics By Income

  • 41% of households with an annual income above $75,000 use Pinterest

LinkedIn Statistics By Gender

  • 70% of Pinterest users are female
  • 30% of Pinterest users are male

Businesses of all sizes can use social media advertising to attract the right people. Marketers looking to reach millennials can especially benefit from targetted advertising.

  • Social Media Advertising segment is projected to reach US$110,628m in 2021
  • Global ad spend on social media is expected to reach over $110B by the end of 2021
  • The total percentage of marketing budgets dedicated to advertising on social media is expected to nearly double by the year 2023
  • Different social channels are crucial for small businesses with 40% of small businesses relying on social media ads for revenue generation
  • 26% of people who click on Facebook ads ended up making a purchase
  • 50% of Gen Z and 42% of millennials believe in social media to be the most relevant ad channel
  • 30 second ads on YouTube videos have a view-through rate 30% higher than 15 second ads

An improvement in social media engagement rates also improves the other aspects of a brand's performance online. Keeping an eye on the latest social media statistics regarding engagement trends is an excellent way for brands to re-tune their social efforts.

  • Instagram in 2021 beats out all other platforms for user engagement
  • Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Post on Facebook with less than 250 characters get 60% more engagement

Social media has completely changed the dynamics of doing business and has helped people make a fortune. With more and more people turning to their smartphones and social media in the buying journey, there are several reasons why your business should be active on social media.

  • 85% of businesses use third-party tools and services to help manage their social media presence.

Statusbrewprovides a host of social media solutions for businesses to manage their social efficiently. It unifies your social inbox, brings your team together, and helps you create automated workflows.

  • 50% of consumers say they follow brands on social media to learn about new products or services
  • 61% of consumers say brands can encourage purchases by creating posts offering discounts or trials on social media
  • 21% of consumers prefer to message a brand on social media rather than calling up the customer service
  • 56% of consumers will unfollow a brand if they deliver poor customer service on social media
  • 91% of retail brands use a minimum of two social platforms
  • Active social media users have now passed the 3.8 billion mark
  • An average person has an account on more than 9 social media networks
  • Spending a daily average of 2 hours and 16 minutes on social media
  • Facebook has 2.74 billion MAU (monthly active users)
  • Instagram has 1.22 billion MAU
  • Twitter has 350 million MAU
  • LinkedIn has 300 million MAU
  • YouTube has 2.29 billion MAU


Here's a detailed infographic on social media statistics to follow in 2021.

Social Media Statistics Infographic 2021

Wrapping Up

Social media is an ever-evolving platform; what happens one year can be entirely different the next. As a brand, it's beneficial for your business to develop a social media strategy that is in contrast with the latest trends.

Make the most out of your social media budget in 2021 by following these statistics. Optimize your marketing stratgey and effectively manage your social with a social media management tool like Statusbrew.

Grab the 7 day trial today and start managing your social with Statusbrew!

  • Social Media Infographics
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

Limit Reached For The Number Of Businesses Facebook


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