
Will Taking Pictures Of The Sun Damage Camera

You desire the brusk answer?

Yeah, sunlight exposure can damage your telephone's camera lens, besides equally the camera itself.

Cameras lens sun damage could create deeper problems equally well, which nosotros'll get into in a moment.

To really know if your photographic camera stands the adventure of being damaged, we offset need to explore the more common phone camera lens material and how UV rays affect said materials.

Strap in.


  • 1 Does Direct Sunlight Damage Phone Cameras?
  • ii Tin Y'all Have a Flick of the Sun on Your Phone?
  • iii Time Lapse Photos of the Sun Pose a Higher Take a chance
  • four Smartphones May Incur Less Damage Than Traditional Lenses
  • 5 iPhone Camera Lenses Are Built Tough
  • six Lens Scratches Can Make Sun Damage Worse
  • seven How to Protect Your Phone Photographic camera the Correct Way
    • one. Use a Safe Case
    • vii.2 ii. Bear Around a Cleaning Material
    • 7.3 3. Avoid Harsh Surfaces
  • 8 Technically, You Could Take a Quick Photograph of the Sun
  • 9 Ameliorate Photos, Longer Lens Life

Does Direct Sunlight Damage Phone Cameras?

In short, yes, the sunday can absolutely damage your smartphone camera.

Even when yous look at superior smartphone cameras like on iPhones, they still use a similar production method but like other smartphones use.

They have light sensors in the cameras to pick up and filter calorie-free.

The remarkable matter most smartphone cameras in general is their size.

You await at the photos produced past enormous Nikon camera lenses, and then y'all expect at what an iPhone tin do with a 2mm deep camera, and it's just mind-extraordinary.

The sun (and any overly bright thing) tin can damage the sensors in your camera, which will alter the mode that information technology attempts to refract and filter lite.

Enough damage could cause the sensor to pause entirely, which would return the photographic camera 100% useless.

But don't worry; at that place's a few more questions we take to respond first, and and then we'll get into some preventative measures to help your lens and camera stay dainty and safe.

Tin You Have a Picture of the Sun on Your Phone?

Taking The Sun Picture

You tin, simply information technology will come at a cost.

When you lot photo the dominicus, yous're using the lens equally a magnifying glass, and your sensors are the ants.

Your sensor is designed to detect and filter lite, but when there'due south too much of information technology, permanent damage tin exist washed.

When nosotros had an eclipse in 2019, you wouldn't believe how many people permanently damaged their cameras simply because they didn't know.

For many people, their smartphone camera is merely a gateway to social media and talking to followers, merely to usa, smartphone photography is something serious.

Even if y'all use protective lens attachments for your front end-facing photographic camera, you're however running a seriously high risk of doing permanent damage.

They may help add together a few seconds of protection to direct exposure, but they shouldn't be used to photograph the sun if you tin avert it.

Time Lapse Photos of the Lord's day Pose a College Gamble

Time lapse photos are an excellent way to really prove the truthful beauty of nature and the fourth dimension passing from the beginning of i day to the end.

However, they could besides be damaging if not done properly.

Many photographers will prepare their tripod and camera, and leave it on fourth dimension lapse mode, then let it be.

They don't realize that if the sun starts setting directly overhead and in view of the camera, that the sun exposure could exist damaging the lens and sensors slowly over the remaining fourth dimension until sundown.

Don't go me wrong, time lapse photos are great, you lot just have to know how to take them effectively.

Consider positioning your camera in the shade and facing i direction while the sun rises, so you lot can get about six hours or so of photos, and and so switching your view.

Six hours of a time lapse of one location tin can be gorgeous enough, merely you tin then leap cut (if you're doing this in a video format) to another bending of the same location.

This allows you to maintain the same subject and still show the transition of sunrise to sunset, but without putting your camera in direct harm.

Smartphones May Incur Less Harm Than Traditional Lenses

Lens on Iphone

This is where information technology gets weird and people normally don't believe me, but it's truthful.

Because the distance from the lens to the sensor on your smartphone is shorter, it requires a thinner glass lens.

That means that at that place isn't as much surface area to build up rut like a magnifying glass.

Merely and so expect at a 50mm camera lens, and how the lite hits it.

Information technology heats up and practically burns the sensor located within of your camera, which can accelerate the impairment much faster than a smartphone.

That doesn't mean 1 is improve than the other.

In the terminate, they tin both break from sun exposure, it'southward only a cool fleck of information that shows the contrast betwixt both types of cameras.

iPhone Photographic camera Lenses Are Congenital Tough

Many camera lenses are made out of glass.

It'due south cheap, it provides clarity, and there's zippo wrong with them.

But recall that magnifying glass result I was talking about? That's by and large because of glass.

On an iPhone, they utilize sapphire crystal lenses to not merely be more scratch-resistant, but provide great clarity without heating up the manner glass lenses practise.

All this means is that you run less of a take chances of permanently damaging your phone's camera lens, just everything I've said still stands: don't photo the lord's day.

Leave that to the Hubble.

Lens Scratches Tin Make Dominicus Damage Worse

Iphone Scratched Camera Lens

I just mentioned how the shorter lens length can help you out, but information technology can too be damaging in its own correct at the same time.

Because they're easier to scratch, you can end up with divots in the drinking glass, which can actually rut up your sensors even faster.

Depending on the bending and cut of the scratches, they can accelerate the way that calorie-free travels and bring more impairment to your sensors.

It'south important to take care of your lens, which is why we've outlined some tips to help you lot out.

How to Protect Your Phone Camera the Right Style

Now it'southward time to talk about protecting the lens from actually getting scratched, which would only increment the damage to your phone's lite sensors.

1. Use a Rubber Instance

Why prophylactic?

While some people like hard cases considering of their slim design, they offer less camera protection.

In truth, neither offer perfect lens protection, but considering rubber cases are a bit bulkier, you're keeping your photographic camera lens off of tough surfaces which can prevent scratches.

ii. Carry Around a Cleaning Cloth

While grit isn't going to damage your lens, keeping your lens nice and articulate allows yous to encounter any imperfections or damages in the glass, so you tin stay on top of things.

The last thing you want is to be unaware of your damaged lens, and so go to take a photo, and notice the disparity in the finished production.

3. Avoid Harsh Surfaces

Tables, countertops, and concrete walls if you're continuing outside for a smoke—don't put your phone down on any of them.

If you're at home, use a microfiber cloth to proceed your telephone on while it's on your desk-bound or the kitchen counters.

This cradles the lens and prevents damage from occurring.

Technically, You lot Could Take a Quick Photograph of the Sun

Woman Taking Photo Of The Sun

Our main business organization hither is the sensor, but we're besides non manufacturers of photographic camera lenses and light sensors.

This is going off of professional person experience from using these cameras, not so much with dissecting them and testing out each private part.

There are a lot of people who used high-end lenses and cameras to photograph the 2019 solar eclipse that we mentioned earlier, and they were fine subsequently.

A large function of lord's day damage to your camera has to practise with prolonged exposure, such as with the time lapse segment earlier.

And so while the lenses on some smartphones might be stronger than the lenses on loftier-powered cameras, in that location is more to rut up and warp in a traditional camera lenses.

DSLR cameras apply metal shutters, which have a long fourth dimension to heat upward and have the burden of the rut.

The glass only acts as a magnifier, so it doesn't pause or get damaged from the heat of the sun at all.

When that metal heats upward, it warps the plastic components of a photographic camera. That takes some time, but it could happen.

With a smartphone photographic camera, you could accept a really quick picture show of the sun and probably come up out with no impairment, simply and then it's not going to be a very good picture, is information technology?

At that place will exist no focus, no time for the lens to adapt, and it wouldn't come out well.

So while y'all technically could snap a fast photo of the sunday without permanently damaging your phone photographic camera, it's still ill-advised.

Better Photos, Longer Lens Life

Harmful UV rays are always a danger to us and our personal belongings, and the best fashion to approach caring for those personal property going forward is to avoid direct sun exposure.

While your iPhone is durable and built to last, exposing it to unnecessary damage is pointless.

Go on them prophylactic, keep them out of continued sunlight, and you'll be okay.

iPhones stand a amend chance than many Android manufactured phones, but if you take care of them, then it doesn't matter which phone yous're using.


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